6 Signs You’re a Bad Manager

Most people in a management position think they are a great manager. Not just good — great! The unfortunate truth is that most managers are far from great. It’s the rare individual that can look at themselves and see their shortcomings. So if you manage others in an auto repair shop, you should check yourself

The Importance of Teamwork

Teamwork is essential to the success of repair shops. When employees operate as a team, everyone wins. The blend of unique, individual strengths, the collaboration and creativity of working together, and the established trust between team members are all great benefits of teamwork. Employees are more satisfied, and satisfied employees stay at the company longer,

Let’s Talk About Your Role as a Leader: PT 2

Last time we talked about defining the vision, mission, and core values of your company. This month we’re going to discuss how to translate your vision, mission, and core values into a successful company culture. Develop, Maintain, and Model the Culture of the Company Culture is defined as “the training and development of the mind;

Let’s Talk About Your Role as a Leader: PT 1

The dictionary defines a leader as “one who is in charge; one who influences.” Your leadership role still exists even if there are no employees. One/another of the roles of a leader is to: Provide long-range vision, mission, and values. Develop, maintain, and model the culture of the company. Determine the major goals of the